Monday, September 16, 2013

I've Got Dreams of Loving You ♪

It's been some time now that the unexpected happened.  I've needed time to process, time to grieve, time to think, time to heal, and time to just be.  Since then, I've been determined to reflect on our experience and share it.  Now, it needs to be known that my intention for writing this is not for sympathy, not for condolences, and not for comfort.  I am sharing my story in hopes to bring solace to other women and their partners who have dealt with a similar situation.

It has been nearly three months since we found out that we miscarried.  I was 11 weeks and 5 days, but our baby only measured 9 weeks and 6 days.  Shocked?  Of course.  Saddened?  How could we not be?  But mostly, I was scared.  A million questions rushed through my mind before I even let the words "I'm so sorry but there's no heartbeat" sink in.  What happens next?  What did this mean for our future?  Was there something I could have done?  Is there something wrong with me?

The hours leading up to my D&C were rough.  Sadness took a back seat to my fear.  We were in a new country with minimal support.  I had just gotten back from America the day before.  I had just left my family.  I had just landed in London with a positive outlook on being pregnant in a new and unfamiliar place.  And now this.  It couldn't actually be happening.  Thankfully, my incredibly amazing and supportive husband took his usual A game up to an A++ and was there with me every step of the way making me feel comfortable, loved, and even making me laugh.

Following the surgery is when it all really set in.  I still felt pregnant, I still looked pregnant, and I still wishedwith all of my heart, that I was pregnant.  We arrived back home to our flat, which was filled with a pregnancy pillow, the beginnings of a blanket that I was crocheting, blue and pink onsies, and mostly, filled with our visions of bringing our baby back from the hospital to this place that we now called home.
I cried the first time I drank a sip of wine, hesitated the first time I lifted raw sushi into my mouth, and I flinched as D placed his arm over my belly to give me a hug in bed.  I had worked so hard over the last 8 weeks to adjust to the pregnancy Do's and Don'ts and now to throw them all away felt wrong and unimaginable.

At the time of my miscarriage, I only knew of one other person who this had happened to.  Of course, I've heard the statistics of how common miscarriages are, but still, I felt so alone.  Women tend not to discuss their miscarriages.  It is perfectly understandable.  It's hard to talk about and to dredge up the memories of a horrific time in your life.  But, I want to share mine.  No need to protect my anonymity, either.  If by spreading the word that I had a miscarriage, at 28 years old, could shed light or bring comfort to someone in need, then it is more than worth it.  I realized quickly, as I shared with friends and family, that I actually knew quite a few people that have had miscarriages.  I was simply unaware.  As sad as I felt for them, it brought me comfort knowing that I wasn't alone anymore.  Miscarriage is a common occurrence and it does not mean half of the things we think that it means in our state of panic and fear.

It took weeks before the tears dried on my pillow at night.  And although, with the help of our visitors, I quickly bounced back to living my pre-pregnancy life, I still was dealing with a lot inside.  I am still healing at this very moment.  My feelings evolved from anxiety (which could have very well been my hormones), health-anxiety (Was something wrong with me? What's that coming out of my v****a?), and sadness.  I'm working overtime to mourn the loss of our baby girl.  But, it's been a therapeutic journey and I'm learning so much as I go along.  The most significant?  I am stronger than I think and I am not alone.

I hope and pray that one day we will be blessed with the opportunity to bring our baby to whatever place we call home.  I know it will happen.  I'm choosing to have faith.

 ♪ Somehow, somewhere, I'll see you again 
But until then, I've got dreams
of loving you   

Saturday, September 14, 2013

My Aunt, Our Angel

It's been a year.  I miss her.  We all miss her. 
One thing is for sure, we have one hell of a Guardian Angel!
Thinking about my cousins and uncle, today especially, who lost their Mom, one of the best people I've ever known.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Home Is ...

Me + D + America + Family + Beach = Happy girl! 

Weisman Summer Vacation 2013 - Part 1: Flew to Wisconsin for a few days to surprise my mother in-law for her 60th birthday - an awesome, weekend long celebration!
The weekend started with a canceled flight from Philadelphia that left us drinking (not really the whole time) in the airport for nearly 10 hours!  Thankfully MomW was still surprised to see us later that evening despite the rest of the family's exciting arrivals.

Weisman Summer Vacation 2013 - Part 2: Ocean City, NJ with my family - sitting on the beach, listening to the ocean, digging in the sand, getting a tan, spending quality time with each other, and eating ice cream...every night. Yup. That's right.

Our two and a half weeks spent in "the States" were really wonderful and much needed.  After all, I was homeeee!  How could I not have an absolutely blissful time with my most favorite people in a place that I love?  Like 'they' always say, Home Is Where The Heart Is.  Right? Meaning, whatever place you long to be.  This trip certainly fit that description.  
Even though I really am enjoying London and have become much more adjusted to our life here, it still requires effort to feel emotionally attached to our current 'home'.  But, I'm working on being easier on myself.  I have endured some major life changes in the last few months and I am learning to accept that things (emotions) may not change as quickly as they would have otherwise.  So instead of Home Is Where The Heart Is, perhaps I'll start with this modification in order to begin training my mind & my heart: Home Is Where Our Story Begins ... and this story is beginning in London!
Yea, that could work.
And quite a story we'll have.  
Baby steps.

Really, though, the end of the day, throughout this roller coaster of an adventure we're going on, what's most important is ...


Friday, September 6, 2013

My Sis!

Before I tell you all about our wonderful, two and a half week, family packed vacation, it's imperative that we first touch upon the awesomeness that was my sister and bro's trip to London.

Let me set the stage here ...
- My sister and bro coming to London
- 4 nights, 5 days to do all that they can do and soak up as much as possible
- Last vacation (alone) was over 6.5 years ago when pregnant with G
- Leaving 3 kids (6, 4, 1) at home with Mom-Mom & Pops 

It should go without saying that the anticipation was HIGH, right?!  But, we were prepared and ready to pull out all the stops and make this the best damn trip that they have EVER, EVER been on.  Well, really, we just wanted them to enjoy themselves and relax.
The best part is, it couldn't have gone better or been more fun.  We had the most amazing time together.   Naps were had, multiple latte's were bought, sights were seen, meals were eaten, wine was gulped, and memories were surely made.

Our days were jam a good way.  A typical day went something like this: casually woke up - went to breakfast - walked around - had lunch - saw some sights (including night time tour) - had a wine and cheese picnic in the garden - got ready - out to dinner!  The pictures should be able to tell a better story.

Besides all of the incredible fun we had, it was just so great to have my sister here.  We had full conversations without interruptions from her brood, we laid in bed and talked, got ready together every night, and spent each waking moment with one another .  I couldn't have been happier.  And the fun didn't stop there.  When their vacation was over, mine and D's was beginning.  We flew home together, which made the conclusion of their trip so much more bearable.

A special thanks to my Mom and Dad (and guest stars) for making this possible.  Our time spent together is truly something we will never forget : )

Bye London!!

(Returned home just in time to have a slumber party with 2 of my favorites)