Monday, February 10, 2014

Expat Olympic Kickoff

Last night D and I hosted an Olympics 'Opening Ceremony' Party.  My sister had suggested it on Thursday, and we weren't sure if we could pull it off by Saturday night, but it ended up coming together just in time!
Our idea was to get food & beverages from as many different countries as possible.  We did pretty well.

On the menu: 
Japan: Sushi & Edamame
France: Brie & Wine
Great Britain: Pie (England), Scotch (Scotland)
Ireland: Guinness
Argentina: Empanadas
Mexico: Tacos & Guacamole
Russia: White Russians
China: Dumplings
South Africa: Wine

Thankfully our Farmer's Market is every Saturday so we picked up a lot of the goods from there ... minus the awesome cupcakes that M&Mare brought with flags from each country.

Saturday afternoon I stepped up my game.  I didn't want to have a half-assed theme party.  So, I printed out a flag from each country (to sit with their respective food), whipped-up Sochi 2014 gold medals (cardboard, paper, and ribbon), made Olympic rings out of balloons (had to cover one with a black trash bag - didn't go so well), printed out labels for water bottles, and had as much country-labeled apparel out around the house as I could possibly find.  I topped it off by dressing myself in all of my American gear (1984 Los Angeles Olympic t-shirt from Gap, American Flag scarf, and American flag Toms [not pictured]).  D wore a red, white, and blue tracksuit ... priceless! Our friends hit up American Apparel for ... well ... great American apparel ;)

my best attempt at torches :/

Thankfully our friends enjoy a themed party, food, Olympics, Cards Against Humanity, & being together just as much as we do.  We had a really great night!

Off to Rome on Thursday for VALentines Day!!! Really looking forward to spending some time in Italy with my Valentine.  So far so good on the weather front ... looking like 60s and sunny!!! I'll take it.



  1. I the charts, Val! And love the scarf drape! So happy that you are happy in London!! I love you so much!! xo

  2. Wow, look at you guys rock a theme party like no other! Impressive. Love everything!
