Thursday, April 3, 2014

Keep Calm & Love Justin Timberlake

I finally got to cash in on my Christmas present from D!
And it was a good one!

Tuesday night we saw Justin Timberlake in concert!!!!!! 
(I'll let you sit on that for a second.) 

Just for some background info:
My obsession with Justin has ranged from moderate to completely over the top throughout the past 15+ years!  It's just who I am and you have to accept me that way.
When D and I first started dating I knew it was true love when when my love for him exceeded my love for Justin.  True. Story.  For some reason I feel the need to measure things according to my love for Justin.  Example: "Guys, I can't go out tonight.  Even if Justin were there I wouldn't go."  It works though.  People get it.
I've had bedroom walls covered with Justin's face, I've spent countless hours watching interviews and music videos, and I've gone to every possible concert/show of his that I could.
And although my intense infatuation for him is well known, I'm not a crazy, screaming, lunatic fan.  I prefer to sit quietly (with my heart beating out of control) and watch in complete and utter  amazement.  The thought of fawning over him in public is embarrassing to me.  So, I keep it simple with a perma smile on my face...and a heart rate of 20 beats per 10 seconds.

To say that I was excited to sit 4th row DEAD CENTER at his concert would be an understatement.  (Hugeee thanks to my husband for hitting up stub-hub and nailing the most amazing gift.)
The 2.5 hour show was one for the books.  He is such an unbelievable performer!
We both had an incredible time and I think D may have even developed a minor crush after the eye contact we got ;)

I wouldn't say that the obsession level is at an all time high right now, but it's pretty damn close, and I'm going to have to take a Justin Timberlake picture/video/social media hiatus in order to mitigate these emotions.  We'll see how that goes.


1 comment:

  1. I can attest to all of the above mentioned fanaticism !!! Don't judge. I's Justin.
