Monday, March 2, 2015

One Month From Today

98 weeks down, 4 to go...
I'm in total disbelief.

How different from my post nearly 2 years ago?  This time, I'm actually disappointed to leave.  So much has happened, so much has changed, and so many memories have been made (best one being our boy).

It is really hard to believe that our time in London is coming to an end.  Only a few short weeks left here in this beautiful city that we've been lucky enough to call our home.

I have never felt such an intense mix of emotions in my entire life.  On one hand . . . I am beyond excited to go home and introduce everyone to Ryan.  I am looking forward to being back in our cozy NYC apartment and exploring one of our favorite cities with our little man.  And, of course, thrilled to be back in America close to our family and friends.
On the other hand . . . I am devastated to leave London. We have made an incredible life here. We have made lifelong friends who truly feel like family.  We have created such an unbelievable network of support.  We have had unforgettable experiences and made countless memories along the way.
Inevitably, there are things that we are surely going to miss.

Peter Jones, our Saturday farmers market, the tube & red double decker buses, weekend getaways, our key garden, RyanAir & Easy Jet, our church community, Chelsea FC, extra long summer nights, clean streets, driving past Big Ben, Westmister Abbey, & Buckingham Palace on the way home from dinner, the O2, Boris bikes,  Hunan & The Oak, the countryside, my midwife,  Hyde Park, HailO, Waitrose & Partridges (American section), & our awesome visitors ... to name just a few ;)

To think about leaving is harder than I ever could have imagined.

But, our time has come to an end and I'm choosing to leave with a  smile on my face and gratitude in my heart.  I will be saying farewell to London as a better human being, and for that, I will forever be indebted to this this great country and our extraordinary, once in a lifetime experience.
