Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Nice Was Nice!

Still catching up on the events of the last month.  I've been having too much fun with all of my visitors to keep this thing up to date.  A few weeks late, but worth documenting.

While D and I were home this summer, we decided to book a short weekend trip somewhere in Europe.  I've found it helpful to have a little something to look forward to before waving goodbye to our family and friends and heading back to London.  I know, you feel so bad for me ; )

We opted for the South of France and it was exactly how I imagined it.  Beautiful.
I wasn't sure what to expect in terms of the weather in mid-September, but we were blessed with high 70s and sun!  We pulled a typical 'D & V' and parked it on the pebbled beach: swimming frequently, breaking for lunch, and calling it a day right before a romantic dinner.  We are so predictable.

Nice was a nice way to wrap up the summer.
It's amazing how quickly I forget what the warmth and sun feels like.  I hear London is a true pleasure in the fall (sarcasm).  Wish us luck . . . or at the very least, wish us blue skies!

A little collage of our 3 days in Nice!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Busy Bee!

Time is flying!! I cannot believe its October already.  We're only one week away from our 6 month mark.  Hard to believe.

Since arriving back to London on September 1st, I have been crazy busy in an attempt to truly make a life here.  No more putzing around.  I hit the ground running and I haven't stopped.

I updated my resume, wrote a cover letter, and got a job!!  I'm now volunteering Tuesdays and Wednesdays :)
I had lunch, drinks, and/or dinner with FIVE new friends!  We joined a new church and have met so many wonderful people.  We've been to a soccer game (Chelsea vs Fulham) and a football game (Vikings vs Steelers).  We had fun dinners out with great friends.  I went to a James Blunt show with MH.  We've had football BBQs at our flat.  And we have hosted 3 wonderful guests (and quite a few friends who dropped by while here for work).

Life is good.

Moving to London wasn't the easiest transition for us for obvious reasons.  It has surely been an emotional journey with ups and downs.  It has taken a lot of hard work to acclimate to this new city.  But, I can say (with a smile on my face) that I am absolutely loving the life we have made for ourselves here.  So much so, that I'm surely going to miss it whenever it's time for us to leave.

This is not to say that I don't miss our family and friends and New York City.  I do.  In a desperate kind of way.  But, I've made the choice to be happy here despite my longing to be "home."  So far it's working.  Prayers are welcomed.
