Monday, November 25, 2013

36 Hours in Amsterdam

When D told me he had a meeting on a Wednesday in Amsterdam, it was so hard for me not to jump all over the opportunity to see a new part of the world.  I had heard so many wonderful things about this canal-filled city dubbed the "Venice of the North," so, I resisted the urge to hold back.  I presented the idea to D and he was in agreement...we'd look for a flight for me.  He managed to find a cheap last minute flight and 24 hours later we were on our way to the Netherlands.

The first night D and I ate at an authentic Dutch restaurant and then walked through the Red Light District.  To say I was disturbed is an understatement.  Sorry, but I just wasn't really into seeing half naked women selling themselves on the street.  Nah.  Not for me.  No thanks.

I spent all day Wednesday exploring the city while D was working hard for us.  I strolled up and down the canals popping into the cute shops, I took a boat ride throughout the city, and the most memorable part of my day was visiting Anne Frank's house.  I waited in line for 45 minutes but it was well worth it.  To see the home that she and her family were hiding in for two years was truly unbelievable.
I stopped for lunch and ate Bitterballen, which is a famous Dutch snack filled with veal ragout.  Great choice.

D finished his meeting early and we headed to a brewery.  After a few local beers and a great dinner, we headed home to bed and we were back in London less than 12 hours later.

Our 36 hours in Amsterdam were superb and I am so blessed to have gotten this opportunity.
Quick trips around Europe are one of the many reasons I am loving living in London.

Beautiful blue skies of Amsterdam
The entrance to Anne Frank's house
263 Prinsengracht
Up up and away...
the sunrise over Amsterdam

1 comment:

  1. You are brave and wise to take advantage of these life changing opportunities. Very proud of you!
